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For this, Regulus may still be that alternative. However, from the current situation, the dragon song is indeed a very wise man, will all be able to use the power of all spent. Sidney Crosby jersey Warriors and foot with six toes heel ethnic brothers do? Evgeni Malkin jersey All in Fanlin, there is indeed a very nice place, is not a rare beast, a radius of hundreds of miles are among the big Stream, East out is the Yellow River, the island is connected to the island, water and soil fertile. However, the road to Fanlin is indeed very difficult to walk, if not a foot with six toes ant Father familiar path, I'm afraid no one can find that place.

The other side of the path leading to the Yellow River is drowning, even the hair can not float, raft into the water that sink. Therefore, only one path through the Dead Marshes. Lang Lang two, then three and then continued. Those island rivers, waterfalls and mountains, as well as a variety of birds, where have all the necessary conditions for training. Two leaders prepare some of the tribes living in abject poverty transferred to Fanlin go, others let their tribe has been growing for the Maronite recruitment talent. But at the moment most of the soldiers are in the Fanlin training, collective hunting once every ten days, in addition to the tribes also sent some of the items, will be in Fanlin Mario Lemieux jersey farming enough self-sufficiency.

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